i Denture

What began in Zurich in 1923 with the production of artificial teeth has evolved into one of the world’s leading dental manufacturers supplying our dental laboratory with its latest products available to you today.

Are you looking for a quality private technical denture system which has a set procedure to follow?

Consider the Bio-functional Prosthetic System (BPS) from Ivoclar Vivadent. BPS Dentures are the product of effective cooperation between clinicians and technicians. Devonshire House technicians are trained to the technical BPS standards; we use the BPS core products and materials to match the requirements of your patients. The BPS core materials we use include:

  • Ivoclar Vivodent Phonares II Teeth
  • Ivobase PMMA injected with the new Ivobase injector.
  • Ivoclar Vivadent Stratos 300 Articulators.

For clinicians interested in this area of work our Lead CDT Paul Walkington can visit your practice to perform the clinical procedure’s necessary for you to undertake the BPS procedure.
